2018 Australian Bicycle Summit
Cycling - Connecting People and Places
The 2018 Australian Bicycle Summit brought a nationally significant group of stakeholders, decision makers and experts together on the 20th and 21st of June 2018 at the stunning global headquarters of Lendlease in Barangaroo. The views over Sydney Harbour, expert and fascinating presentations, inspiring speakers, Awards finalists and winners all contributed to this very unique and special event.
The speakers at the 2018 Summit were headed by our International Key Note speaker and Manager, Transportation Planning at the City of Vancouver, Dale Bracewell. Other key speakers included Marcia Ella Duncan OAM, Rod Simpson, Greater Sydney Environmental Commissioner and Simon Benson, Group Financial Controller at Lendlease.
National Advocacy Meeting

2018 AUSTRALIAN BICYCLE SUMMIT- Round table advocacy group, level 13, Tower Three, International Towers Sydney, Barangaroo, NSW, 20 June 2018. Photo: Jessica Hromas.
Bicycle organisation Summit Consensus Statement
Australian bicycle organisations developed a national consensus statement in their Summit forum to guide future sector-wide advocacy. It was announced as part of the closing session of the Summit.
“We are committed to a nation where every child and every adult
can enjoy riding a bike safely for transport, recreation and sport.
Together we will make Australia healthier and more sustainable
through a national commitment to cycling education, training and quality infrastructure.”
The organisations supporting this statement are every national, state and territory cycling organisation in the nation:
Amy Gillett Foundation | Bicycle Network | Bicycle NSW | Bicycle Qld
Bike SA | Bicycling Western Australia | BMX Australia | Cycling Australia
MTB Australia | Pedal Power ACT | We Ride Australia | WestCycle
Ray Rice, Advocacy Manager for Bicycle NSW, presented the Consensus Statement in the final Summit session on behalf of all Summit bicycle organisations and you can watch it here: https://vimeo.com/279029334.
Australian Bicycle Summit
Cycling – Connecting People and Places
Supported by our Principal Partner, Transport for NSW, leaders from corporate Australia, government, Australian cycling organisations and advocates came together for a diverse Summit program that covered city planning, data, bikeshare and cycling to school.

2018 AUSTRALIAN BICYCLE SUMMIT- Dale Bracewell, speaks at the summit, level 13, Tower Three, International Towers Sydney, Barangaroo, NSW, 21 June 2018. Photo: Jessica Hromas
Vancouver’s Manager of Transportation Planning, Dale Bracewell, headlined the Australian Bicycle Summit this year. Demonstrating how planning for all modes has led to significant improvements in transport efficiency through increases in walking, bicycling and public transport since 1997, his presentation was a stunning example of what can be achieved in a major north American city.
Not only have 2021 targets for a half of all trips from those three modes been achieved already, but between 2008 and 2011, cycling trips are up 41% and collision rates are down 17%.
Key points
- Transport for NSW underlined the support for active travel contained in their Future Transport 2056 Strategy.
- The evidence, experience and support for investment in cycling was directly conveyed from corporate Australia, experts and other OECD cities to senior TfNSW executives.
- The Summit was hosted by global Australian corporate Lendlease in their stunning headquarters at Barangaroo.
- The bicycle lobby presented a unified front in this national event with near universal participation from national, state and territory cycling organisations.

The Summit is a vital national initiative that helps all of us present bicycle riding as part of the solution for a healthy, productive and liveable Australia – something that was supported by academics, corporates and city leaders at the Summit.
It is now a nationally recognised platform for greater engagement with politicians and decision makers and compliments all the great work going on around the country. It couldn’t happen without the support of our colleagues across the bicycle sector – thanks to everyone!
View 2018 Speakers & Presentation Videos
View the Speakers and Presentations from the 2018 Summit
2018 Summit Sponsors
Principal Partner:

Industry Leaders Meeting
2018 Summit Gala Dinner
The 2018 Australian Bicycle Summit commenced with the Summit Gala Dinner hosted by Lendlease at their stunning global Barangaroo headquarters overlooking Sydney Harbour. As part of the dinner, the 2018 Cycling Luminaries Awards were announced with Summit Principal Partner, Transport for NSW, represented by Deputy Secretary Clare Gardiner-Barnes.
The Awards ceremony was held in presence of invited VIPs and guests from across Australia.
2018 Photo Gallery