
Osher Gunsberg
Osher Günsberg is one of Australia’s most recognisable media personalities and has been a guest in the living rooms of Australian’s for nearly 2 decades. Osher started at Brisbane’s B105 in 1994 and from Channel (V) in the early 2000’s, to Australian Idol, and now as host of the Bachelor franchise and The Masked Singer, few people have been as visible to Australian radio and TV audiences throughout the 2000’s. He is an early adopter of independent digital broadcasting, writing, producing and hosting podcasts since 2013 and has close to 5m downloads for his programs. As a passionate advocate for climate action, Osher regularly profiles activists and entrepreneurs in the climate space on his podcast. Osher has opened up to talk about life, love and living with mental illness in his book, Back, After the Break. His passion to help change attitudes in our society about complex mental illness led to his role on the board of SANE Australia as a director from 2016 – 2019 and he previously served as Ambassador for children’s charity The Shepherd Centre to educate the public and help children who are born deaf or hearing impaired. A passionate cyclist, Osher understands the benefits of riding a bike for mental and physical health, as a sustainable and accessible transport mode for all and contributor to a low carbon future. He joins the We Ride Australia Board to bring his extensive media savvy and passion to the Foundation’s vision and objectives.

Peter Williams
Director and Chair
Peter is a CEO, Director, published and highly awarded author, and a passionate supporter and leader in strategic direction. As Chair of No More Plastic crap, he as a passion for the environment and reducing the impact of moving people a key focus. As Chair of the WeRide Board he leads the organisation's strategic planning and governance.

Shane Byrne
Shane is a former Chartered Professional Engineer, and Research & Development Director with Australian and International experience in the food nutrition industry. As an executive with Mars Incorporated Shane was a highly active sustainability champion advancing net zero carbon emission progress, was a founding member of their global packaging sustainability advisory group tasked with oceanic plastic pollution reduction and accelerated renewable energy transformation initiatives across the Mars manufacturing network. Shane has strong personal dedication to the minimisation of climate impact through adoption of renewable technologies of solar, electrification and wind, and completed his undergraduate thesis on horizontal axis wind turbines for power generation at the Australian Antarctic Mawson station operation in the early 90’s. Throughout professional life Shane has demonstrated a minimum climate impact philosophy by commuting to work by bicycle or on foot. Advocating for and promoting bicycle commuting within his workplace and community to foster safe and enjoyable carbon-neutral transportation is a constant priority. Shane has founded cycling communities and clubs, organised ride fundraising events and led organised rides across multiple states in the USA and Australia. With a true love of the bicycle Shane continues to maintain cycling at the centre of his every day!

Dr Steven Kaye
Steven has a lifetime interest in cycling, health and ‘the great outdoors’. For a period, he lived near the Carnegie velodrome and, inspired, rides his bike whenever he can – to school, university and work. He began using Victoria’s rail trails with his young family, enjoying the history, natural environment and safety provided. Consequently, he has fulfilled a number of roles that include the Rail Trails Australia Committee, the management of medical services for the Great Victorian Bike Ride and now provides his expertise as a Director of WeRide. When Dr Kaye gets time away from his General Practice, he leads groups of people to cycle in rural locations, using rail trails throughout Australia and New Zealand, providing regional economic benefit and brilliant experiences for the participants. He is a strong advocate of cycling as a sustainable, healthy and eco-friendly activity for all to utilise.