Take Action
Join with We Ride Australia as we improve Australia for all those wanting to ride a bicycle.
There are many ways you can show your support for better cycling in Australia. Find out more by clicking on the sections below:
Add Your Voice
If you love to ride a bike, then join with us to let our leaders know that bicycling in Australia is important and needs their support. When we speak up together, we can achieve better results.
Yes! I want to speak up in support of better bicycling in Australia.
Invite a Friend
Together we can achieve more! If you have friends, family or colleagues you know who ride and are passionate about cycling, why not take the opportunity to invite them to visit our website and let our leaders know that bicycling in Australia is important and needs their support.
To send a link asking your friend to come and check us out, visit the Invite A Friend page on our site, by clicking on the link below.
Make a Donation
If you’re passionate about making Australia a better place for cyclists, We Ride Australia could use your financial support. As a registered charity, we need the support of people in our community, who are committed to seeing Australia move towards a healthier and more active future, where cycling is a popular and safe transportation option.
Your donation to We Ride Australia will help fund the work that we do. You can control how much and how often you wish to give. One-off and monthly donation options are available. To find out more about making a donation, please visit the Donation page on our site, by clicking on the link below.
Leave a Bequest
If you would like to leave a lasting legacy for the ongoing work of We Ride Australia, then why not remember us in your Will?
Here is some recommended wording and giving options for you to consider:
“After payment of all my debts, funeral and testamentary expenses and all duties, taxes and charges payable on my Estate at my death, I give to We Ride Australia, (The Australian Cycling Promotion Foundation, ABN 75 618 071 855):
(a) the sum of $<amount>;
(b) <percentage> of my estate;
(c) The residue of my estate;
for the general purposes of We Ride Australia.
I declare that the receipt of the treasurer or other proper officer of the We Ride Australia will be sufficient discharge for my Trustees.”
If you, a family member, friend or client decides to leave a bequest to We Ride Australia, please notify us so that we can both give our thanks and note this bequest in our records.
Whilst of course it is entirely for the discretion of the person making the bequest, we also suggest that other beneficiaries, particularly family members, are made aware of this bequest at the time it is made.
Support Safe Routes to School
It is our goal to see the successful development and implementation of a national program, to help active kids arrive safely to school. There are many ways you can support We Ride Australia, to help us achieve this vision for healthy and active kids.
To find out more about helping our kids, please visit the Safe Routes to School page on our site, by clicking the link below.
Become a Partner of We Ride Australia
Cycling is a simple solution to many of Australia’s most complex and expensive problems. More people cycling more often is good for all of our businesses. We can have most impact by taking collective action. That’s why we have official partners who support us from within the bicycle industry as well as bicycle friendly businesses, individuals, associations and organisations who share our vision for a more productive, healthy and sustainable Australia.
We’d like you to become a partner of We Ride Australia! Talk to us today about how you can support us, toward the vision of making riding a bike a positive, healthy and safe reality for people of all ages throughout Australia.
We Ride Australia recognises the commitment and support of all of our partners, including:
To find out more about how you can become a supporting partner of We Ride Australia, please visit the Partners page on our site, buy clicking the link below.
Please Contact Us if you would like to discuss supporting We Ride Australia in another capacity.