WRA applauds Labor’s $260m bike infrastructure announcement
23 April 2019 | Announcement, Community, Government relations, Policy & planning

We Ride Australia has hailed the historic investment announced today by Shadow Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Cities and Regional Development Anthony Albanese that will see up to half a billion dollars invested in bike paths and cycleways.
The announcement of $260m, which will require co-investment from the states, territories and local governments, will transform our communities and will enable Australians – whether 8 or 80 – to choose healthy, active travel choices for their daily trips.
Speaking at today’s announcement, We Ride Australia’s Director – National Advocacy Stephen Hodge praised the funding commitment.
“This is a policy initiative We Ride Australia has been advocating for over a number of years, and we acknowledge and thank the Leader Bill Shorten and Shadow Minister Anthony Albanese for their hard work and commitment to make it possible,” Hodge said.
“It is a historical commitment, the largest ever for bicycle and walking infrastructure and marks a step change in our ability to provide for the 8 million Australians who ride a bike and the many more who are put off but the lack of safe and accessible paths and bikeways.
“Not only people who ride bikes but the whole community will benefit allowing everyone, whether they are riding, walking or scooting to work, school or their local shops to get around using safe, connected and efficient infrastructure.
“We call on the Morrison Government to match this for the sake of our communities and all Australians.”
Stephen Hodge, Director – National Advocacy, We Ride Australia Mobile 0411 149 910, stephen@weride.org.au
Further information:
- The 2019 Australian Bicycle Summit, now in its 5th year will be held on 14 & 15 May in Melbourne.
- It brings the entire sector together to engage with industry leaders and politicians.
- Today’s announcement strongly supports the 2018 Sydney Summit Vision Statement, developed and signed by the leading state and national bicycle organisations.
- Labor’s announcement can be viewed as part of their policy platform on the ALP website – here.
- For more information visit weride.org.au