Two Wheeled Tourism – transforming Australia’s regions
16 February 2021 | Events, Government relations
Members of Parliament front up for cycling in Parliament at the first event for the Parliamentary Friends of Cycling in 2021*
Updated 9/4/21
The first event of the Parliamentary Friends of Cycling for 2021 was held in Parliament House, Canberra on Tuesday 16 February. Organised and led by We Ride Australia, the Friends of Cycling event focused on the regional economic benefits of cycle tourism as a key economic recovery opportunity.
The Tumbarumba to Rosewood Rail Trail was featured in presentations and a new video has just been launched with local business owners talking about the benefits for their community. Well done to Bicycle NSW and Rail Trails Australia/NSW for this great little video! See video here:
Federal MP and staffers, many from regional electorates, heard some of the key economic stats and facts from experts in the field, our Ministerial Key Note Addresses and from the three Co-Chairs of the Parliamentary Friends of Cycling group – Dave Sharma, the Member for Wentworth, Dr Andrew Leigh, the Member for Fenner and Dr Helen Haines, the Member for Indi.
Key note addresses were provided by Hon. Mark Coulton, the Minister for Regional Health, Regional Communications and Local Government and the Hon. Mark Dreyfus QC MP who stood in for the Shadow Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development – locked down in Victoria.
The event marks the first in a series of presentations to federal MPs on economic benefits of active travel, cycle tourism, the COVID measures undertaken such as pop up bike lanes, and health and safety for bicycle riders in the lead up to the next Federal Election to be held late in 2021 or 2022.
Key speakers were unfortunately locked down in Victoria, but Rail Trails Australia Vice-President Dr Steven Kaye was able to provide a highly effective short video that was played to the Parliamentarians while Tourism North East (VIC) ensured their contribution on Riding the High Country was conveyed by their federal MP and Co-Chair of the group, Dr Helen Haines.
Fact sheet on cycle tourism provided at the event, click here.