TAC to partner national Summit
28 February 2019 | Events

We Ride Australia is delighted to announce Transport Accident Commission (TAC) as the Principal Partner for the 2019 Australian Bicycle Summit and Cycling Luminaries Awards to be held in Melbourne on 14th and 15th of May.
We Ride Australia’s Director – National Advocacy, Stephen Hodge, said “The Summit unites government leaders, Australian cycling organisations and industry in this unique annual forum.
“This year the Summit theme of ‘smart tech and active transport, towards zero’, recognises the changing face of transport and the role technology will play in how we move in the future.
“The Summit is an important forum that recognises cycling’s contribution to the transport passenger task, the health of our citizens and the quality of our neighbourhoods.
“One of the main attractions will again be the national Cycling Luminaries Awards that will be announced at a Gala Dinner that wraps up the Summit,” Mr Hodge said.
Government leaders join national and international guest speakers and Australian bicycle organisations in the annual Summit, with further announcements to be made on international and key note speakers, venue and program.
Summit key facts:
- 2019 Australian Bicycle Summit will be held at Marvel Stadium Docklands on the 14th and 15th of May.
- 15th Cycling Luminaries Awards will be announced in the categories of Leadership, Bike Culture & Built Environment at a Gala Awards Dinner on 15th May. Nominations open soon at www.weride.org.au/what-we-do/2018-cycling-luminaries-awards/
- Registrations for all events open at 5pm, on Thursday, 7th – see Summit page here.
- Further announcements will be made in the near future on our International Key Note Speaker and a first for the Summit in support of local advocates – a Lobbying workshop for everyone who wants to understand the tips and tricks of effective lobbying from industry experts, elected officials and state government bureaucrats.
- Updated information as it is announced at www.weride.org.au.