Biketober Victoria challenge hits the streets!
31 August 2023 | Announcement, Community

WeRides is doing a big call out to businesses in Melbourne to say the Biketober Victoria Challenge is coming!
With a great program of work-based events and encouragement, the RACV and City of Melbourne have partnered to support the Biketober Victoria 2023 challenge!
Building on a successful pilot program in 2022 that saw 29 organisations and 690 participants travel 67,668 kilometres, Biketober 2023 will be bigger and better!
Biketober is a month-long bike riding challenge, open to everyone, taking place throughout October.
This employee engagement program is designed to engage all workplaces and employees, it is for new riders and existing riders, and delivers benefits across engagement, wellbeing, sustainability and more.
There is a fully supported program available to Melbourne businesses and Councils who would like to participate thanks to the support from the City of Melbourne and the RACV. Sign up at!
Support is available to both Councils and businesses to run the program and can be directed to lovetoride directly here.

Download the PDF version of the factsheet