Cycling part of Cities Performance Framework
6 February 2018 | Community

The Australian Cycling Promotion Foundation has today welcomed the launch of the National Cities Performance Framework in Canberra by Cities and Digital Transformation Assistant Minister, Angus Taylor.
Bringing together new and existing data sources, including cycling to work data as a key performance indicator, the framework enables cities to look at key social, economic and environmental issues.
The work has been underway for a year with significant input from the Minister’s Cities Reference Group.
“Obtaining data to show the benefits of investing in walking and cycling has always been difficult,” says the Foundation’s Stephen Hodge, a member of the Reference Group.
“We are very pleased that the health, transport and economic benefits of walking and cycling are recognised as vital for improving quality of life, amenity and environmental outcomes in our cities,
“The performance of infrastructure and investment will be measured in part against work trips by public and active transport – walking and cycling – as one of the key indicators,” Hodge said.
“This will start to bring us up to date with other cities around the World.”
“We look forward to continuing to work with Assistant Minister Taylor to secure greater investment in active transport for the benefit of all Australians,” said Stephen Hodge.
The Australian Cycling Promotion Foundation (previously the Cycling Promotion Fund) builds on nearly 20 years of national advocacy to inspire all Australians to choose cycling. As an independent voice in Australia, we are working to:
Secure the infrastructure and programs to ensure cycling contributes to healthy, safe and enjoyable mobility for all
Build the case for investment in infrastructure
Disseminate evidence and data to support the role of cycling in community and national agendas,
Present the positive, healthy and safe reality of daily cycling across the country by children, adults and seniors from all walks of life.
Media contacts for comment and interviews: Australian Cycling Promotion Foundation – Stephen Hodge, mob. 0411 149 910,; Peter Bourke mob. 0438 871 271,